The first computer ever created was massive by today’s standards. It was known as the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and took up an entire room. Built in the 1940s, ENIAC was about 30 meters long and 3 meters high, weighing over 27 tons. It was designed to perform complex
Koalas have an incredibly interesting trait their fingerprints are almost identical to humans'. In fact, under a microscope, it’s incredibly difficult to distinguish between the two. Koala fingerprints are so similar to human ones that even experienced forensic scientists could mistakenly
A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance", a fitting name for such colorful and dramatic birds. These stunning creatures are known for their bright pink or reddish feathers, which they get from pigments in their diet, specifically beta-carotene found in algae and crustaceans. Flamingo
Turtles have an intriguing ability to breathe through their butts, a process known as cloacal respiration. In addition to using their lungs, certain species of turtles, particularly those that live in cold water, can extract oxygen from water through specialized areas in their cloaca, which is an op